Remembering Lennox Thomas
We sadly share the news that pioneering psychotherapist Lennox Thomas has died.
Lennox Thomas, originally from Grenada, qualified and worked as a social worker and probation officer with adults, children and families. He then went on to train as a psychoanalytic psychotherapist with the British Psychoanalytic Council (BPC) and was a registered psychotherapist with the UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP).
Lennox has been part of Nafsiyat since 1982. He was there during the time when Jafar Kareem and the team were developing the Intercultural psychotherapy model. At the time, models of psychoanalysis and psychotherapy focused almost exclusively on the inner world, paying little attention to the social, political and economic issues affecting many Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Refugee (BAMER) patients in the UK. In 1992 Nafsiyat published its original text on Intercultural Therapy, and Lennox contributed a chapter, ‘Racism and Psychotherapy: Working with Racism in the Consulting Room – An Analytic View’. In this chapter, he went straight to the heart of the work, spelling out the relationship between therapist and patient and explicitly addressing their race as central to the therapeutic work. These ideas were groundbreaking; racism was not an issue that was discussed in psychoanalysis. This important development brought race and difference into the consulting room. It addressed their importance in the transference and the conscious and unconscious thoughts of patients and therapists in response to the structural racism in society.
Following Jafar Kareem’s unfortunate death in 1992, Lennox became the Clinical Director at Nafsiyat. He led the organisation and promoted the Intercultural model through supervision, consultancy and training. Lennox saw many patients throughout his time, and as a skilled clinician, he explored the interplay between the internal and external world and the challenges this brought to the analytical work.
He was very interested in working with the patients whose motivation in coming to Nafsiyat was to think about their experiences of being a minority in the UK and all this entailed. Nafsiyat was one of the few places at the time where discussions about the impact of racism on mental health were being discussed. The clinicians were hearing many stories from patients but also from professionals who were working in the community. Many BAMER student therapists also found their courses difficult as the issue of race and difference was rarely addressed. Lennox always had a passion for bringing more BAMER therapists into the profession and worked tirelessly on this by offering training supervision and placement opportunities to therapists from BAMER communities.
In 1995 Lennox wrote about cases that he had seen at Nafsiyat in his chapter ‘Psychotherapy in the Context of Race and Culture: An Intercultural Therapeutic Approach’. In this chapter, he introduced the concept of the ‘proxy self’, which he described as the false self that a Black child develops to communicate with white professionals, mainly white psychotherapists. He described how a therapist’s awareness of this concept could offer their client a better therapeutic experience. In 1995 with University College London (UCL), as part of Lennox’s work to train and support BAMER psychotherapists, Nafsiyat set up an MSc in Intercultural Psychotherapy. Lennox became the co-director and an honorary lecturer on the course, where he taught and helped many professionals to train as Intercultural psychoanalytic psychotherapists.
Lennox left Nafsiyat in 1999 and continued the work of the Nafsiyat Refugee Project by founding a new organisation, The Refugee Therapy Centre, where he worked as a Consultant Psychotherapist. Lennox also continued his work on separation, loss and attachment at Nafsiyat by remaining on the Advisory Committee for the organisation, Supporting Relationships and Families. In 2009, Lennox was awarded the honorary fellowship award by the UKCP, which recognised his substantial and outstanding contribution to the psychotherapy profession.
He remained connected to Nafsiyat and most recently contributed a chapter to the book ‘Intercultural Therapy Challenges, Insights and Developments’ published in 2019. His chapter was entitled ‘Intercultural Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and Generationally Transmitted Trauma’.
Lennox was in the process of renewing his professional membership of Nafsiyat, and this is how he answered a question about his Intercultural Therapy:
“As an original member of Nafsiyat, intercultural ideas were in development. I worked, taught and supervised alongside Jafar Kareem since the centre opened. I worked at Nafsiyat as a volunteer for a couple of years, from 1982 until we received funding. I last worked at the centre in 1999, leaving as Clinical Director. My work on ICT is published in three of the Nafsiyat edited books, and I wrote the curriculum for the MSc at UCL. I have published other works on other aspects of intercultural Psychotherapy and psychoanalytic psychotherapy and feel a deep connection to Nafsiyat.”
In his own words, until his death, Lennox had a deep connection with Nafsiyat. He is irreplaceable, and we will miss him dearly. Every communication with him was a learning experience for us. We will keep him in mind, and we will miss him as a supportive colleague, friend, and campaigner for Intercultural Therapy and for his work with BAMER clients. His legacy lives on at Nafsiyat through his writings, ideas, and the numerous professionals he has taught, supervised, and mentored throughout his professional career.
He is survived by his children Harriet, Clara and Elliot.
Lennox and his family with Dilek Güngör and her parents in 1995
Gita Patel – remembers Lennox Thomas:
“I met Lennox when he first interviewed me for the post of Refugee Project Manager in 1995, I had recently qualified as a counsellor, and it was my first therapeutic post. I had, of course, read Lennox’s chapter in the Nafsiyat book and found it quite liberating that a therapist could talk so openly about race dynamics. At the interview, I found Lennox to be a very engaging and charismatic man, not afraid to express his opinions even in the interview setting, which immediately made me feel relaxed and more able to put forward my own ideas about the Project. Of course, I was delighted to be offered the post.
For the next 4 years, I worked closely with Lennox as the Clinical Director. He was always available to think through the challenges of the work and was a very supportive manager, supervisor and mentor during those times. He also encouraged me to present the work of Nafsiyat to outside organisations and conferences. We were giving the whole organisation status and reputation to be proud of. We had to face many challenges from mainstream therapy organisations, who often felt threatened by Nafsiyat, a small charity. Lennox would say our organisation may be small in size, but our ideas are big and need to be heard and integrated into psychoanalytic thinking. With this in mind, we spread the work of Nafsiyat both nationally and internationally.
With Lennox’s encouragement, I trained as a psychoanalytic psychotherapist on the Nafsiyat/UCL MSc in Intercultural Psychotherapy. As a lecturer, Lennox taught me so much. Not only about psychoanalytic theory but also how my cultural background and experiences of race, racism and other social and cultural issues could be a valuable tool in my psychoanalytic work rather than an added obstacle or burden. I still value and use all the ideas taught in that course and will never forget the innovative thinking, support, and encouragement that Lennox provided. He did all this with humour and charm, making working with him and being taught by him an engaging and enjoyable experience.”
Dilek Güngör – remembers Lennox Thomas:
“I met Lennox Thomas in 1992 when I was working as an interpreter and a counsellor in South London Health Authority. He came to facilitate a workshop and a seminar on “intercultural psychotherapy, and how to work with interpreters within the therapeutic setting”. At the time, I was planning to do Group Psychotherapy training at Goldsmiths University. He was modest, engaging, encouraging, witty and charming. I remember thinking: “He is brilliant with groups; can I be like him as a group psychotherapist?”
I was also later delighted to read Lennox’s work first in “Intercultural Therapy, Themes and Interpretations and Practice” book. At the end of the workshop, he asked me if I would consider a placement at Nafsiyat as a trainee in group psychotherapy. I was privileged and felt over the moon.
Lennox was a clinical director at Nafsiyat for some time and devoted his life and energies to the community, Black and ethnic minorities, and intercultural psychotherapy. He was my first clinical supervisor. When I completed the course, he invited me to his room and said, “Dilek, now you will be a paid group psychotherapist”. I was delighted with the offer. Since then, I have been at Nafsiyat Intercultural Therapy Centre, working part-time as a group analyst and with individuals and couples. He was inspirational, encouraging and passionate in whatever he did.
One day, my son visited me at Nafsiyat around lunchtime. Lennox offered fish and chips for him. My teenage son was excited to meet him, and he still remembers the taste of the food. He is in his 40s now and heard the sad news. He was saddened and told me he actually remembers the taste of the interesting free-associative conversation.
In 1995, when my parents came to visit me from Turkey, Lennox and his family, Judith, children; Harriet, Elliot and Clara (they were toddlers at the time) visited my home in Brixton – see photo above. At the time, I was unable to go to Turkey. Lennox always had a special way of supporting his junior colleagues, like me. My mother cooked traditional Turkish food, and we had a lovely time. My parents didn’t speak English, and Lennox and his family didn’t speak Turkish, but they both had a wonderful connection and communication via Turkish food, representing intercultural friendship. Lennox and his family lived in my parents’ memory until they passed away. Now Lennox and his family will continue to live in our memory. I will cherish his work and good memories of our professional and personal relationship.”
Baffour Ababio – remembers Lennox Thomas:
“Lennox Thomas featured at the start of my psychotherapy training; when he and Roland Littlewood interviewed me in 1996 and offered me a place on the UCL Intercultural MSc course. Lennox taught, lectured, gave and inspired me. When we spoke during the latter part of last year, he gave me something to think about. He said, “and we now have to explore the frontiers of intercultural therapy”, and I could just hear and see the ‘Lennox’ laugh and smile in his voice. Yes, Lennox was a library of ideas, bequeathing a treasure trove of concepts, one being; “the proxy self”. He was generous, witty and on the mark. A special person who has left a legacy; of the dexterity of thought, applied and delivered with aplomb. Lennox ‘Daámmirifua dueá’ (Twi phrase of condolence for an important person).”
Jale Yazar – remembers Lennox Thomas:
“I am very sorry to hear of the death of Mr Lennox Thomas. He was Principle psychoanalytic psychotherapist, a fellow of UKCP, lecturer, trainer, writer, Clinical Director, One-time principal psychotherapist of Nafsiyat intercultural therapy centre, Founder member of Nafsiyat intercultural therapy centre and a very family and community orientated Black man; he was larger than life person. His input and contribution to the understanding of issues of race and culture in the psychotherapy world and the institutional setting was enormous and will always be remembered—my sincere deepest condolences to his family and to all of his colleagues. My thoughts are with them all.
I met Lennox first as a lecturer during my intercultural psychotherapy training in 1991. I found his emphasis on learning from Freud’s transference, countertransference, Jung's “persona”, Winnicot’s “false and true self”, and Klaine's projection and projective identification on understanding the race and culture issues in the consulting room in therapeutic encounters was innovative. Later on, I read his writing and attended his talks and lecture to have an opportunity to learn from him. I found all this highly interesting, thought-provoking and stimulating. He was at the frontier writing on social justice issues, race and culture, war trauma, gang culture, identity issues, and gender issues. Later, I worked as a trainee psychotherapist when he was the Clinical Director of Nafsiyat. He always looked into social justice and social relationships and their impact on therapeutic relationships in his lectures and teachings, which I was fortunate enough to attend and learn from. I have always found Lennox Thomas's views innovative; his contribution to the analytic intercultural psychotherapy world is great. He was a role model with his work on racial and cultural identity in psychotherapy and social justice for Black men. He was always highly supportive of the developments of his staff, supervisee and students. When Steven Lawrence was murdered, and Damilola Taylor was murdered, he was again on the frontier, talking about institutional racism in the criminal justice system. He was very supportive of intercultural therapy graduates’ forums and contributed greatly to their meetings with his thoughts and contributions.
I hope that I was able to thank him enough for his contribution to my personal and professional development as a psychotherapist in my meetings with him and in my learning and my practice as a psychotherapist over the years. I thought he knew that. He was the first and one of the few who only called me by my title “Doctor”, which I did not use myself. I will remember him as an excellent and humorous lecturer whose life reflected his thoughts, a pioneer in his writing, and a role model.
I last met Lennox at the memorial meeting of Jafer Kareem’s founder of Nafsiyat. I listened to his interesting lecture and was able to talk with him. He was, as ever, stimulating, thought-provoking and connected and encouraged people with his great sense of humour. My words are not enough to express my thanks to him. He was larger than life, a pioneer as a Black man in psychotherapy, talking about differences and similarities, race and culture, and social justice in the therapy room. He and his work will always be remembered. I hope that he is resting in peace where he is now. My thoughts are with his family, friends, and all who knew and loved him in the intercultural therapy world.”
Sega Habtom – remembers Lennox Thomas:
“From the moment I learnt the news of the death of my beloved friend, I have been deeply affected. He was so much more to me than just a supervisor – I am deeply indebted to him for all the support and generosity that he showed me and his contribution to the professional and personal fulfilment I have now.
The first time I met him, I was struck by him; he was a wonderful person in every way a person can be. With every topic we shared, he was able to debate and bring so much wisdom and knowledge to it. Furthermore, he was a real comedian – I will always remember sitting next to him during break times when he would reduce me to tears of laughter, and these are memories which I shall treasure.
It is so painful to lose such a hugely significant person in my life, and I am sending my deepest condolences to his family and friends.”
Adeola Muir – remembers Lennox Thomas:
“I am saddened by the news of Lennox’s passing. I am so upset. He taught me at UCL between 1995-98 on The Intercultural Therapy MSc. He was the most knowledgeable, humble, talented and creative psychotherapist and challenged my learning and practice to be the best I could be. He was hilarious, sincere, and generous of spirit, and I loved him and his colourful and flamboyant personality. He will forever live on in my work. Rest in peace, Lennox.”
Antony Sigalas – remembers Lennox Thomas:
“Our professional community is mourning the loss of our dear friend and colleague Lennox Thomas. Born in Grenada, he joined his parents in the UK when he was seven years old. He initially lived in Nottingham and then moved to London, where he studied and worked in social care as a qualified psychiatric social worker and later as a probation officer before his renowned career in psychotherapy. In the early days, Lennox had hoped to return to the Caribbean to work, but due to the limited prospects of employment there, he decided to remain in the UK.
In 1983 along with a number of mental health professionals, he joined the late Jafar Kareem, the founder of Nafisyat, in establishing the delivery of the pioneering clinical practice of culturally sensitive psychotherapy. In later years he successfully created with Roland Littlewood the first Intercultural Psychotherapy MSc training in the country. After Jafar’s death, he remained Nafsiyat’s clinical director until 1999, when he joined the Refugee Therapy Centre and continued until his death to be fully committed, both as a clinician and a teacher, to the Racial & Gender equality practice. His last public appearance, despite his health problems, was on Nov 24th 2019, at the SRF conference as a keynote speaker and co-founding member of the organisation. He has published extensively and has been an associate member of a number of professional institutions and a fellow of UKCP.
I was lucky enough to have worked with Lennox both at Nafsiyat and the Refugee Therapy Centre. I have always remembered him being available to help and support his colleagues, generous in sharing his knowledge, and a joy to hear him speak in seminars and conferences. We miss you and thank you for your legacy, Lennox. May you rest in peace.”
Patricia Morris – remembers Lennox Thomas:
“When the MSc in Intercultural Therapy was establishing itself, Nafsiyat’s Lennox Thomas was at the head of the clinical aspects of the degree. Indeed, to all intents and purposes, he was Nafisyat. Alongside him was Roland Littlewood, Professor of Anthropology and Psychiatry in the Academic Psychiatry department of University College London. Together they designed the ambitious shape of the graduate degree in a discipline that was then at the cutting edge of the profession, a training our early cohort was privileged to receive.
Lennox was always larger than life, both in person and in personality. He had great gifts and achieved a great deal. He was one of those rare people whom one can say, “Once met, always remembered.” He will be much mourned: it is hard to think that he has gone from this earth.”
Deri Hughes – remembers Lennox Thomas:
“Whenever I think of Lennox, either now or in the past, I am always filled with a deep sense of gratitude and an awareness of a warm smile inside.
Lennox first came into my life when he interviewed me for a place on the MSc in Intercultural Therapy course run by UCL in conjunction with Nafsiyat. I was to meet the Clinical Director outside the Nafsiyat offices in Finsbury Park, London. As I waited outside Nafsiyat, looking down the road toward the tube station, a voice behind me suddenly said, “Deri Hughes?”. I turned around to see a tall black man smiling at me. He held out his hand, “Lennox Thomas” Then he smiled again and, noticing something about my reaction, he said, “You weren’t expecting me, were you?” And I suddenly heard myself say, “No”. We then went inside and began the interview by analysing my reaction to seeing Lennox, and I became aware for the first time of the unconscious racism that lay within me as a white British male. I expected to see a white, middle-aged man in a trilby as Clinical Director. It was a touchstone moment and one that is etched on my mind. It serves as a reference point in my work with people who have been hurt by racism or who unconsciously express it. It also informs my work in supervising psychotherapists working interculturally.
Throughout the years since Lennox first trained and supervised me, we subsequently met at various conferences and CPD events. Lennox was always gracious, interested in me and my work and above all, so kind. I will miss you greatly, my mentor and my friend. I will never forget you, and I carry your warm smile within me. Thank you.”
Yuko Nippoda – remembers Lennox Thomas
“When I heard the sad news about Lennox, I could not believe it, as I had been talking to his son the day before. He explained the details of Lennox’s long-term illness and said that Lennox was getting better. I am utterly devastated and heartbroken.
I have known Lennox since 1992. I was doing my MA in Counselling Studies and looking for further training and placements in London. I rang Nafsiyat, and a man answered. He sounded so pleasant, and I thought he was the administrator. I inquired about my background as my initial training was humanistic, and I came to the UK to explore cross-cultural issues. I tried to impress him, but he said it did not matter as Nafsiyat training is psychodynamic, but he also told me to send them my CV. It was a really nice conversation on the phone. I asked who I was talking to; then he said, “My name is Lennox Thomas”, and he asked me for my name. That was the lucky thing, as an administrator mostly answers the phone, and I hardly saw Lennox answer the phone subsequently. I experienced a good vibe and was hoping to be accepted, although I wondered if they would accept me as somebody from a different modality. Then I received a letter offering me a placement and further training with Nafsiyat. If he hadn’t answered the phone, I wonder if I would have been treated as one of the many, and I might not have been accepted.
Nafsiyat had a family atmosphere. My purpose in coming to the UK was to explore cross-cultural issues as Japan is largely monocultural, and it is hard to learn the subject in that environment. Lennox was the clinical director and my supervisor. But he was so approachable, and his down-to-earth approach gave me the perfect environment to learn about diversity and intercultural therapy. I just enjoyed working at Nafsiyat. My colleagues were from many different ethnic backgrounds, and this was the environment that I really wanted. Lennox, my colleagues and I made jokes constantly. Learning psychodynamics was a big challenge, but he helped me, and we worked closely.
When Nafsiyat was accredited as a Member Organisation of UKCP, Lennox included me as a member to be registered with UKCP. Since I started my psychotherapy training, everything has been so challenging for me. I had also trained in other organisations but always struggled to study English and lacked confidence. When I heard Nafsiyat selected only competent members to be registered with UKCP, I felt my struggle had paid off, and I felt recognised. That was the moment I gained confidence.
Our way home was in the same direction, and he gave me a lift sometimes after work. He also invited me to Christmas dinner at his home on Christmas day one year. I had a really good time there. He also told me he liked Japanese food, and I offered to cook Japanese food for his family, but unfortunately, the opportunity didn’t arise.
I stopped practising at Nafsiyat, although I am still a proud member of Nafsiyat, and Lennox also left Nafsiyat. But we kept in touch. Both of us had a long-term illness, and we kept bumping into each other at the hospital. We met at workshops and conferences sometimes as well.
Last year, I had a client who brought up different issues from the initial assessment, and I had never dealt with them. I tried to refer the client to somebody else, but nobody was available. My supervisors had not dealt with the rare case, so I rang Lennox. He had plenty of experience working in the area and supervised me for the case. He was so generous with his time and conscientious about teaching me how to deal with the issues. That was the last time I saw him. We exchanged messages a few times after that.
Everybody would agree that Lennox was an extremely special person and so unique that there was nobody who was like him. I am so privileged to have known and had training from him. I lost a couple of trainers I worked closely with many years ago. Losing mentors hurts so much. However, I can feel their presence, particularly when I work with my clients, and they still give me strength.”